Aquatic Ecology Lab @ TTU
streams & rivers | aquatic ecology | food webs | conservation | microplastics
Hello and welcome to the Collins Aquatic Ecology Lab at Texas Tech. We are a team of aquatic ecologists who study streams, rivers, lakes, and wetlands.
Our work focuses on an array of topics including food webs, fish conservation, ecosystem health, and recreational fisheries. To uncover the underlying ecological mechanisms that shape natures structure and function, and to identify effective management approaches, my colleagues and I use an integrative approach that combines population-, community- and ecosystem-level measurements, manipulative & field experiments, and modeling tools.
Bigheaded carp meta-analysis published
Recently, we published a meta-analysis of direct and indirect effects of bigheaded carps on freshwater food webs. You can find the paper here!
Asymmetric competition among stream fishes
Sometimes competition isn't so competitive. Is this why invasive species do well in some locations? Read about our recent paper here and find out.
Winds & microplastics in urban lakes
It gets windy here in West Texas. Turns out, wind and wave activity influence the distribution of plastics around our lakes. Read more about our work here.
Here are some photos of the cool species, places, and people that are involved in our research team.